M1C1- digitalizzazione


The University under M1C1 has currently acquired 3 grants for the implementation of the PagoPA Platform, the National Digital Data Platform - Public Universities and AFAM’ and the Telematic Access Point to Public Administration (PA) services.

The person responsible for the implementation of the projects (RUP) is Dr. Paolo Tessitore - Innovation, Digitalisation and Process Quality Division within PNRR


PagoPA Platform
‘Measure 1.4.3 PagoPA Adoption - Other Entities - October 2023’ under Investment 1.4 ‘Services and Digital Citizenship

In compliance with the objectives identified in the Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), the University, in its Three-Year Plan for Digital Transformation 2023-2025, has set itself the goal of migrating and activating the entity's collection services on the PagoPA platform, following a logic of ‘packages’ that identify the minimum number of services to be integrated against a single adhesion to the so-called ‘full pagoPA’.

For adhering organisations, the minimum package is equal to 3 services.

The migrated services

  1. Room rental
  2. Donations
  3. Funding for scientific research
  4. Tenders Competitions

The Athenaeum acquired funding of EUR 32,748.00 for the implementation of this two-year project.


National Digital Data Platform - Public Universities and AFAM’.
Measure 1.3.1 ‘National Digital Data Platform’ under Investment 1.3 ‘Data and Interoperability’.

In compliance with the objectives identified in the Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), the University, in its Three-Year Plan for Digital Transformation 2023-2025, proposes to evolve its services by connecting them with the Digital National Data Platform (PDND), within the specific Measure 1.3.1 of the PNRR.

Adhesion to the Platform will allow the University to provide data to public and private entities entitled to access them, in the areas of Educational Offerings, Student Careers and Fees, automatically and securely. The project includes the realisation of API (Application Programming Interfaces), including:

API 1 - Educational Offer
API 2 - Student Enrolments
API 3 - Student Titles
API 4 - Rectification of student enrolments
API 5 - Rectification of student titles
API 6 - Enrolment changes list
API 7 - List of title variations
API 8 - Enrolments by ISEE bands

For the implementation of this two-year project, the University acquired funding amounting to €321,958.00.


Telematic access point to Public Administration (PA) services
Investment 1.4 services and digital citizenship - Measure 1.4.3 ‘Adoption APP IO’ - Department for Digital Transformation

In compliance with the objectives identified in the Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in Public Administration by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), of the Three-Year Plan for Digital Transformation 2022-2024, the University, through adherence to the APP IO Platform, will make it possible to make usable the services aimed at students including:

  • Student invoice
  • University network
  • Status of university instalments
  • ISEE Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator
  • Examination booking acceptance
  • Written exam result
  • Study title
  • Explicit renunciation of university career
  • News to students.

The Athenaeum for the realisation of the project, with a duration of 5 years, acquired a funding of 29,475.00 euro as follows: 3,275.00 for each service activated for the duration of 5 year.