Enrolment in subsequent years


Enrolment on second year onwards for all courses is linked to payment of the first instalment, which must be made between 9 October 2023 and 31 October 2023. Payments made after this deadline will be subject to a penalty fee.

  1. Log in to your account on the Student Portal
  2. Declare whether you are employed, stating your percentage time of work commitment
  3. Check whether the payment bill has been posted to your account in the Student Portal before the deadline. If it has still not arrived by 13 October, contact your Registrar's Office. If you receive a study grant or are exempt from payment, in this case you need only pay the virtual stamp duty of 16 euro.

If there are changes to your study regime or events which affect your enrolment (e.g. failure to pass essential threshold exams) contact the Student Services Office before paying the instalment.

If you are not up-to-date with your fee payments, you may not request/obtain certificates, attend lessons, take exams for credit or complete any university activity, neither may you receive the opportunities and benefits supplied by the University or other collaborating organisations, public and/or private (student jobs, tutoring positions, grants, enrolment awards, financial aid or other support).

From 31 October 2023, you may register late (on course years subsequent to first). In this event, you must pay a late registration penalty fee and the backdated fee instalments. If late registration means you have missed lessons or workshops with compulsory attendance, you will not be able to take the relative exams for these courses until you have caught up on your attendance record in the following year.

Special cases

For example, it may be that you wish to graduate in the special exam session of academic year 2021/2022 (so, in spring 2023) and enrol on a Master’s programme. In this case, you can register on all freestanding courses of the second semester of the first year, paying a forfeit fee equivalent to the total of the first plus second instalments (for full-time regimes) charged for the Master’s programme.
This opportunity is allowed in view of prospective registration on a Master’s programme for academic year 2023/2024. If you choose to do so, all credits will be recognised for the freestanding courses which you completed (and passed the exam). The School of Medicine and Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences have different deadlines to guarantee that students can respect compulsory attendance rules for each course. Refer to the respective Department websites for further information. It is not possible to register on freestanding lab courses for the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

To renew registration on undergraduate and Master’s programmes where the Teaching Regulations impose bans or threshold exams on transfers to the next year of the course, see the specific details published on the Department/School website and contact Student Services to check your own status.