Cascade funding calls – Line B – Funding for acceleration services

The Line B tender supports the creation of investment paths in innovation for SMEs and Start-Ups, through
the acquisition of advanced and qualified services

In particular, the objectives of the Line B tender are:

  •  increasing the innovation activity of companies;
  •  promoting strategic investments in supporting activities for research and development and for the

innovation of products, services and/or processes, and in support for new enterprises and new innovative enterprises.

The acceleration services that can be financed are stated in Annex 7 of the tender and are summarized in the document "Acceleration Services - NODES Ecosystem Catalog -" which can be downloaded at the following link.

1,630,000 euros have been allocated for the Line A tender of Spoke 5

The call foresees two openings

  • April 12, 2023 - June 16, 2023
  • September 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023