
EU citizens

  • EU citizens wishing to stay in Italy for periods not exceeding three months should report their presence on Italian territory to the local Police authorities.
  • EU citizens wishing to stay in Italy for a period exceeding three months should register with the local Anagrafe (General Register Office) for the district they reside in.
  • You must give evidence of having sufficient financial means to support yourself, as well as being covered by a health insurance policy for the duration of your stay in Italy.

Non-EU citizens

Within eight days of arrival, you must apply for a Permit to Stay for study purposes. You need:

  • a health insurance policy.
  • Italian Codice Fiscale (tax code), which will be assigned to you by the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Inland Revenue).

The local Questura (Central Police Station) for your place of residence in Italy will issue the Permit to Stay. You can ask for assistance from a local Patronato (Welfare agency).


Step 1: At the Post Office

You need:

  • two photocopies of your valid passport (with the visa, if required for your country)
  • photocopy of your Codice Fiscale (tax code)
  • photocopy of the certificate, issued by the University, attesting that you are here for study and specifying the duration of your stay
  • photocopy of the document certifying that you have sufficient financial means to support yourself. You can submit a bank account statement or evidence of having been awarded a grant for the whole study period
  • photocopy of the health insurance policy covering the entire period of validity of the stay permit
  • a 16 Euro Marca da Bollo (Italian stamp duty)
  • photocopy of the host declaration or, if not available, of a document proving your address in Italy (domicile)

With all these documents, you must make your application at a Sportello Amico (Post office booth). You will pay:

  • 70.46 Euros for Permits to Stay lasting from three months up to one year
  • 30 Euros for the application process

You will receive a letter with the date of your appointment at the Questura.


Step 2: At the Questura

You need to take:

  • your passport
  • 4 identical passport-size photographs
  • original document of the health insurance policy, valid throughout Italy and for the entire period of validity of the Permit to Stay
  • Codice Fiscale (Italian tax code)
  • certificate, issued by the Università del Piemonte Orientale, attesting that you are here for study and specifying the duration of your stay
  • document certifying that you have sufficient financial means to support yourself
  • receipt issued by the Post Office
  • original host declaration (an official form should be provided by the local Questura)

For further information, feel free to write to: