Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

CRIMEDIM - Centro di ricerca interdipartimentale in medicina di emergenza e dei disastri e informatica applicata alla didattica e alla pratica medica

CRIMEDIM is a university-wide academic center that conducts research, education and training in the field of disaster medicine and humanitarian health. The center is committed to promote innovative research projects and to foster learning and training programs using state of the art technologies to enhance the resilience of health systems in emergency, disaster and humanitarian crisis.


- Advanced therapies experiences

Six parters (5 Italian and 1 from Ticino), working in the field of research and development of medtech and biotech, will develop a new knowledge platform during the 3-year project, to transform brilliant ideas into advanced products for the treatment of various chronic diseases.

ATEx will offer a means to put online all the existing skills, promote development of new solutions, identify external partners who can deal with regulatory and funding aspects, and transfer such knowledge in a systematic and organic manner to the market.

- Bioactivity-directed exploration of the phytocannabinoid chemical space

Phytocannabinoids, a class of over 200 meroterpenoids, show a surprising diversity of macromolecule targets and qualify as privileged structure for biomedical research.
However, their chemical and biological space has so far been systematically investigated only around the so-called “big 4”, that is, the major non-native (decarboxylated) constituents of the plant (delta9-THC, CBD, CBG and CBD), and mostly in the context of a single end-point (CB1).