- Advanced therapies experiences



Funding body
Regione Lombardia
Italia-Svizzera 2016
328.663,57 €

Departments and Centres



Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Working group

Lorena Segale

Project duration

Start date
End date

Six parters (5 Italian and 1 from Ticino), working in the field of research and development of medtech and biotech, will develop a new knowledge platform during the 3-year project, to transform brilliant ideas into advanced products for the treatment of various chronic diseases.

ATEx will offer a means to put online all the existing skills, promote development of new solutions, identify external partners who can deal with regulatory and funding aspects, and transfer such knowledge in a systematic and organic manner to the market.

ATEx will develop responses and solutions to their challenges, following two Project Guidelines promoted by two of the partners, in order to learn how to transform the cross-border area into a hotbed of new solutions for the market of advanced therapies.

Italian university project head: UNIUPO
Swiss company project head: Insubri SA Biomedical Industries
Partners: UNIPV - APTSol Srls - Pharmaexceed Srl- Daymed Srl