Philosophy and Communication
Filosofia e comunicazione
Degree programme
3-year undergraduate
Course title (Classe)
L-5 - Filosofia
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Vercelli, Via G. Ferraris, 109

Teaching locations

Vercelli, Via G. Ferraris, 116


DISUM - Department of humanities

Course overview

The teachers of this course, leaders in their field in Italy for their teaching and research, offer courses on the history of philosophy and theoretical topics including ethics, politics and various disciplines in the field of communication such as philosophy of communication, philosophy of language and logic, sociology of communication processes, history and study of cinema, and aesthetics. You can acquire credits in all the disciplines offered (history, artistic, literature, psychological and pedagogical), which represent essential knowledge for teachers in training. Throughout the program, you will be followed by a tutor and surrounded by an environment truly suited to students. If you choose to spend a period abroad, you will be offered all the necessary assistance to guide you throughout the process.

Erasmus agreements
  • Austria: Graz
  • Belgio: Liegi
  • Croazia: Rijeka
  • Francia: Bordeaux, Lille, Versailles, Grenoble, Chambery, Nanci, Université de la Réunion
  • Germania: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Monaco di Baviera), Marburg, Bochum, Potsdam, Karls Ruher
  • Norvegia: Volda
  • Polonia: Varsavia, Wroclaw, Lodz, “Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań
  • Portogallo: Madeira
  • Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest, Galati
  • Spagna: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), Murcia,  “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Tenerife, Salamanca, Siviglia, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Ciudad Juarez Real, Huelva, Badajoz (Estremadura), Burgos, Jaen, Oviedo, Pamplona
Key features
  • Assessed as excellent in terms of teaching and research, by national auditing bodies
  • Higher than average employment rate after graduation (source: Almalaurea)
  • Studying within an environment equipped with student-oriented infrastructures
  • A wide range of opportunities for study trips abroad (Erasmus+, Freemover, Memory Train) and internships in Italy and abroad
Career and employment opportunities

A training in the field of communication, combined with the strong critical spirit of a philosophy graduate, offers career opportunities in the following fields (among others): publishing, cultural promotion and dissemination, public relations, journalism (following an open competitive exam) and advertising, library-related professions and databank management, human resources training and management in companies and consultancy services, and roles in public administration. The subsequent Master’s degree also allows you to take up a career in teaching.