Degree programme
3-year undergraduate (interdepartmental)
Course title (Classe)
L - 2 – Biotecnologie
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Novara, via Perrone 18

Teaching locations

Novara, via Solaroli 17


School of Medicine (Interdepartmental course: Department of Health Sciences, Department of Translational Medicine, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Department of Science, Technology and Innovation).

Accessing the course

the applications must be completed from 10 to 20th September 2023

Course overview

This course covers the core principles in all cognitive, scientific and behavioural frameworks of the biological functions and systems in the production of goods and services, including economic and ethical issues related to the use of biotechnological products. You will develop skills of information communication and management, how to draft technical-scientific reports, and learn how to work in a team as well as independently. Students can look forward to a welcoming atmosphere, as well as an invaluable tutoring system. During the course you will strengthen your skills in critical, inductive and deductive reasoning.

Erasmus agreements

Erasmus partner institutions

  • Francia: Sophia-Antipolis (Nizza), Nantes
  • Germania: Marburg
  • Grecia: Patrasso
  • Polonia: Wroclaw
  • Portogallo: Lisbona
  • Spagna: Granada, Almeria, "Rovira i Virgili" (Tarragona), Valladolid  
Key features
  • Theory and practice-based course (5 laboratory-based practical sessions with compulsory attendance)
  • English course
  • Cutting-edge teaching approach with virtual lab simulations
  • Soft skill workshops: self-assessment
  • Guidance and support when applying for Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes
Career and employment opportunities
  • research and experimentation in the field of Life Sciences (identification of potential new pharmacological targets and development of biopharmaceuticals).
  • production of goods and services (biotech diagnostic tests; bacteriological, microbiological and molecular biological analysis, designed to monitor environmental quality and human/animal health)
  • highly specialised jobs (analytical responsibilities or quality control).
  • positions as Junior Biologist (sect. B of the Italian National Order of Biologists), subject to successfully passing the State Exam.