Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation
immagine di copertina
Degree programme
2-year Master’s
Course title (Classe)
LM-18 – Computer Studies & LM-91 – Information Society Technologies
Access type
2 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Alessandria, viale T. Michel 11

Teaching locations

Alessandria, viale T. Michel 11

Vercelli, Piazza S. Eusebio 5

Course overview

The Master's Degree Course in Artificial Intelligence is based on a strong demand from the labour market (local, national and international) for a wide spectrum of innovative professional figures linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the applications that benefit from this area in the digitalised society. The degree programme trains innovative professionals skilled in the design, construction and management of systems, products and services based on the most advanced AI methodologies and who are able to implement these methodologies in different application fields. In particular, the degree course is aimed at training two main types of highly innovative professionals, qualified and required by the world of work:

• IT expert in the most recent and appropriate AI methodology, and its applications

• expert in the bio-medical, economic-business or socio-political-legal fields with extensive knowledge of AI methodologies, both general and specific to their application field.

To achieve this goal, the degree course relies on the collaboration of four departments (Science, Technology and Innovation - Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences - Economics and Business Studies - Health Sciences) and proposes a programme that is unique in Italy, divided into four specialisation curricula:

  • Technology-IT (Alessandria)
  • Bio-Medical (Vercelli)
  • Economics-Business (Vercelli)
  • Socio-Political-Legal (Vercelli)

These paths train up a wide spectrum of innovative professionals, experts not only in the most modern Artificial Intelligence technologies (e.g., Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Decision Support Systems) but also in their application in the Bio-Medical, Economic-Business and Socio-Political-Legal fields.

These professionals will be, thanks also to their multi-disciplinary knowledge, an essential cornerstone of the information society, able to guide digital innovation thanks to their skills, both in terms of design and development of intelligent systems, and with regard to the use and impact assessment of these systems in the various situations in which they are applied.

Erasmus agreements
  • Spagna: Saragozza, Granada, Cordova, Siviglia, Coruna
  • Francia: Nantes
  • Polonia: PJ-IIT (Varsavia), University Mikolaja Kopernica (Torun)
  • Portogallo: Nova (Lisbona)
  • Ungheria: University of Debrecen (Debrecen)
  • Malta: University of Malta
  • Norvegia: University of Scienze and Technology (Trondheim)
Key features

• The master's degree course has been defined with, and will make use of, the collaboration of many prestigious institutions and companies (local, national and international). These companies are directly involved in the activities of the degree course (e.g., teaching, internships, business theses)

• Thanks to the collaboration of four UPO Departments, and local and international organisations /companies, the degree course offers four different curricula, covering four types of highly specialised, innovative and highly in-demand professional figures on the labour market:

o Expert in AI and applications, with technological-IT specialisation

o Expert in AI and applications, with specialisation in the biomedical field

o Expert in AI and applications, with specialisation in business economics

o Expert in AI and applications, with specialisation in the socio-juridical-political field

Furthermore, thanks to “cross-fertilisation” between the various training courses, the degree course also supports the training of “hybrid” professional figures, a ‘fusion’ of those mentioned above. These characteristics make our degree programme unique in Italy.

  • The employment prospects, both in relation to the institutions and companies involved, and in general, are excellent. In particular, the professional roles open to our graduates is of the highest profile (e.g., manager of AI-related projects, responsible for digital innovation in public and private entities / companies)
  • The course teachers are internationally recognised experts in research in the field of AI and its applications
Career and employment opportunities

Depending on which specialisation is selected, the main employment environments for graduates will include:

  • companies and public bodies in roles involving high-level IT activity
  • research institutes and structures in large private companies or public bodies
  • universities and schools;
  • consulting companies
  • freelance consultancy
  • innovative startups
  • banks and insurance companies
  • research institutions operating in the field of precision medicine
  • omics and health services
  • in the bioinformatics field, in research laboratories or freelance activity
  • in the medical field, to support clinical and scientific hospital activities
  • health and environmental policy organisations
  • international organisations (e.g., United Nations)
  • Data Protection
  • social research institutes
  • political and trade union organisations

In these environments, graduates (depending on their specialisation) can work as:

• analyst, designer, project manager, software, data and knowledge engineer for AI and Machine Learning projects

• digital innovation manager in public and private companies

• methodological and application consultant for AI solutions

• teacher of AI and its applications

• expert in fintech and AI services applied to the business economy

• expert in marketing services and applied AI

• support consultant in clinical decision-making

• expert in data protection and data protection officer

• data scientist in the management of clinical trials

• partner of innovative start-ups

• consultant in precision medicine

• expert in data analysis for social research using AI

• legal consultant on legislation related to autonomous and intelligent systems, and on data ethics

• consultant on the social and political impact of AI systems