2022 Edition


Study Days: “Inner Areas, communities, towns: resources for a sustainable future”

A selection process based on qualifications is announced, aimed at selecting 20 students for participation in the Study Days: "Inner areas, communities, towns: resources for a sustainable future".

The initiative will be held in Villadossola (VCO) from the afternoon of 7 September 2022, starting at 2.30 pm, and will end on Saturday 10 September 2022 at 12.00.

The scientific initiative is financed by the “Claim. Contamination Lab Internal Mountain Areas”, included in the Area Strategy “The eco-friendly community of the Ossola Valleys. New energies for a new development path", prepared as part of the "National Strategy for Inner Areas, Ossola Valleys Pilot Area".

The study days are an opportunity for all-round reflection on how inner areas can address and play an active and innovative role in sustainable growth models.

The reports will theoretically and methodologically address issues related to the shared management of natural resources, involving the various social actors active in the area in a dialogue focused on sustainable economic policies, the training of individuals and the valorisation of natural and cultural heritage.

The reports (morning), presented by teachers from the University of Eastern Piedmont or other universities, will be accompanied by guided educational trips in the area (afternoon) aimed at learning about concrete case studies.

For the selected students:

• 2 university training credits will be awarded; recognition is subject to approval by the Degree Course Council.

• room and board will be offered for the entire duration of the study days.