Europe and democracy in the digital age

The S.P.I. and Centro "Jean Monnet" organise workshops on the topic

The Laboratory of History, Politics, and Institutions (LaSPI) of the University of Piemonte Orientale and the Centre of Excellence "Jean Monnet" of the University of Turin organise the workshop "Europe and democracy in the digital age" which will be held on Friday 12 March at 3pm, on Zoom.

Coordinated by Corrado Malandrino (UPO), Stefano Quirico (UPO) and Giuseppe Sciara (University of Bologna), the workshop will also host: Stefano De Luca, University "Suor Orsola Benincasa" of Naples (Democracy among Big Data and artificial intelligence); Francesco Tuccari, University of Turin (The digital revolution and Italian politics); Corrado Malandrino (Digital revolution, artificial intelligence, dataism: the threat of a digital dictatorship? A possible future outlook according to Harari, Sacks and others...); and Fransco Ingravalle, UPO (European integration in the face of an IT and digital challenge: the historical context).


Area scientifica
Social sciences, economics, law