Calls and Initiatives

You can view calls aimed at female researchers on projects for the development and commercial exploitation of the University's technologies and solutions, including those protected by the current Intellectual Property Code, here.

PoC Instrument - Compagnia di San Paolo

The Compagnia di San Paolo has long collaborated with UPO, the Polytechnic and the University of Turin, the University Federico II of Naples, and the University of Genoa to support numerous initiatives and projects aimed at improving the quality of the educational system and the effectiveness of universities' interaction with the business world.

The PoC Instrument (Proof of Concept) initiative is aimed at professors, professors, and researchers to support activities that enable the transition of technologies from an early stage of development to one that is sufficiently advanced to enable their potential to be appreciated at the industrial level. This reduces technological risk and encourages subsequent exploitation, possibly including through the establishment of spin-off companies.

With PoC Instrument there is an opportunity to obtain funds for the development of prototypes or demonstrators, through due application. The 2022-2024 call is active, with numerous cut-off dates.

PNRR M4C2 - NODES - Call for Academic PoCs.

NODES (Digital and Sustainable Northwest) is the Innovation Ecosystem funded with Next-GenerationEU (PNRR) funds.

As part of the NODES project, cascading calls have been issued to researchers belonging to affiliated universities with the aim of funding technology transfer projects - PoC Accedemici

The University has allocated 530,000 euros for Academic PoC projects for projects submitted by UPO researchers.

See the page Project NODES- Academic PoC Call for Projects.