Graduation Day

It is the ceremony with which the Università del Piemonte Orientale celebrates its graduates; it ends with the traditional tossing of the caps, one of the most eagerly-awaited moments for our students.

Graduation Day has become an incredible event, one of UPO’s most characteristic and popular. It usually takes place in Novara, where over 1,200 graduates parade through the streets of the city, from the Perrone Campus to Piazza Martiri della Libertà. The parade involves about 5,000 people, considering graduates and their families, UPO teaching and administrative staff, the choir and the orchestra.

The satisfaction survey confirms this success. Around 90% of respondents declare themselves satisfied, convinced of having participated in one of the most exciting and emotional moments of their lives. They report a sense of being both the protagonists and part of a group.

Graduation Day also benefits from the full and generous support of the City of Novara and all its institutions.