Late payment fee

There is a penalty fee imposed for each payment made after the official deadline, which comes into effect from the first day of late payment (unless otherwise stated by the regulations).

The late payment fee is calculated as follows:

  • € 25 for each payment made within 5 calendar days of the expired deadline
  • € 50 from the sixth to fifteenth day
  • € 100 from the fifteenth day onwards

Students who are not up-to-date with their payments but are settling their status by paying a single sum plus the late instalments, should pay a single penalty fee equivalent to the sum of the penalties owed up to a maximum overall sum of €150.

Students who unduly received exemptions or financial aid (including reduced fees due to false declarations) must pay an additional penalty fee. In such cases, the penalty sum is twice the amount obtained from the undue aid/exemption – i.e. twice the difference between what should have been paid and what actually was paid.