How to pay your university fees

The Università del Piemonte Orientale uses the electronic payment system PagoPa, which guarantees secure financial transactions for Public Administrations and public service providers. University fees cannot be paid by bank transfer.

You should pay your fee instalments using the IUV - Identificativo Univoco del Versamento or Single Payment Identification code. This code can be found on the payment bills that are posted to the Student Portal in the section “Administration – Payments”.

The PagoPA logo in the “billing column” shows the payment system is activated.

You can make a payment in two ways:

  1. Instantly, online: select the button “Paga con PagoPA” (Pay with PagoPA) and click on “Paga online” (“Pay online”). You can pay:
    • by credit card, debit card or prepaid card, selecting one of the payment service providers listed;
    • by direct debit, if your bank is included in the list of banking organisations affiliated with the system


  1. deferred payment:
    • Method 1: click on "Print bill for Pago PA", download the bill in PDF form, print it and take it to an authorised PagoPA payment service provider (the updated list can be found on the AGID website
    • Method 2: select “Paga con PagoPA” (Pay with PagoPA) and click on “Paga più tardi” (Pay later). When it is time to pay, download the bill in PDF form, print it and take it to a Sisal or Lottomatica point (cash payments possible up to a maximum of € 999.99; debit card and credit payments up to €1,499.99) or to an authorised bank, also online if wished.


It is not possible to make payments at post offices.

Please note carefully the processing times set by each bank, to guarantee arrival of payment within the stated deadline and avoid late payment penalty fees.

If you are not up-to-date with fee payments, you may not ask for or receive certificates, attend lessons, take exams or participate in any other university activity; you are also prohibited from receiving financial support from the University and/other organisations (public and/or private) in partnership with the University (student collaborations, tutoring allowances, study grants, enrolment/fee or other reductions and benefits).