English language test



All students enrolled at the University of Eastern Piedmont must have an English language proficiency level of B1. 

To certify this pre-requisite it is necessary to take the English Placement Test (EPT).

The English Placement Test is a computerised language proficiency test from Macmillan Education. The test detects the English language proficiency level of incoming students.
The English Placement test is considered passed if the result is at or above B1 level. 

Students with a result below B1 acquire an educational debt. Students with a result equal to level A1 will be required to take online General English CEFR Level A2 and CEFR Level B1 alignment courses. Students scoring A2 and A2+ will be required to take the General English CEFR Level B1 online alignment course.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the Placement test must be taken by:

all students enrolled in the 2024/2025 academic year in one of the Health Professions degree courses;
all students enrolled in the academic year 2024/2025 in three-year degree courses and single-cycle degree courses;
students enrolled in the academic years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 in three-year degree courses and single-cycle degree courses who did NOT take the Placement Test in the year of enrolment or who did NOT pass the required alignment courses.
For more precise information on the English Placement Test and the rules envisaged by each course, please consult the CLUPO website at https://clupo.uniupo.it/lingua-inglese/english-placement-test.



A language certificate is an official document issued by a certifying body, attesting the degree of competence in a foreign language on the basis of criteria established by the Common European Framework of
Reference Framework for Languages approved by the European Union.

The Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) set out in decree AOODGAI/10899 of 12 July 2012 the list of recognised language certificates for school staff. However, this list with subsequent updates cannot be considered entirely satisfactory for academic language requirements, so not all the certifications listed in the decree can be accepted in a university context. The CLUPO has
prepared its own guidelines, drawn up in accordance with the recommendations of the Italian Association of University Language Centres (AICLU).

Students in possession of one of the certifications accepted by the University of Eastern Piedmont may request their recognition for the purposes of exemption from the English Placement Test, uploading them during the enrolment process and by the deadline for enrolment.

In the event that the certification attests a level of at least B2, students may also ask their Student secretariat for validation, for the purposes of recognition of their English language teaching, in accordance with the procedures and deadlines laid down by their course of study.

For more information on certifications accepted by the University, please consult the CLUPO website at https://clupo.uniupo.it/lingua-inglese/riconoscimento-certificazioni

For further information, please contact the ATENEO LINGUISTIC CENTRE - CLUPO
WEBSITE: https://clupo.uniupo.it/
E-MAIL: clupo@uniupo.it