Diploma Supplement


The Diploma Supplement (DS) is an additional document alongside the official qualification that is issued at the end of a study programme.

The DS lists standard information (in Italian and English) regarding credits collected during courses/projects at the University itself, in other Italian/foreign universities, or in training activities outside the university; regarding the study programme, it certifies the system in which the programme was completed, training activities, typology, the specific scientific-disciplinary sectors, the marks awarded and date of exams.

This document is issued to all graduates of courses in the orders regulated by ministerial decrees 509/99 and 270/04 together with the Degree Parchment at Graduation Day, or it may be requested individually at the Student Services Office.

The Diploma Supplement is issued on ordinary paper and is not subject to any fee or stamp duty.

Further information can be found on the MIUR website  Ministero dell' Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.