
We offer you access to technological tools of integration (software and hardware) that satisfy the specific needs of various disabilities or learning difficulties. These tools are provided on loan as necessary. The aids listed in the menu are available.

Assistance for students with disabilities

Subject to prior agreement with your teacher, you can request exams with special measures, specifically:

  • with the use of specific technological devices e.g. a non-scientific calculator, laptop, speech synthesiser software, screen reader, specially-designed mouse and keyboard
  • equivalent exams in different formats, e.g. prevalence of oral examining as opposed to written exams.
  • extra time added (50%) for degree exams, admission tests and State exams.
Assistance for students with specific learning disabilities

Subject to prior agreement with your teacher, you can request exams with special measures, specifically:

  • with the use of specific technological devices e.g. a non-scientific calculator, laptop, speech synthesiser software, screen reader, specially-designed mouse and keyboard
  • equivalent exams in different formats, e.g. prevalence of oral examining as opposed to written exams, with the option of breaking down longer exams into parts
  • focus on content rather than grammar and handwriting
  • use of form-type answer sheets in exams
  • use of particular fonts in written exams
  • Added time (30%) in exams, admission tests and State exams.
Other support tools for students with SLDs

UPO offers a series of support tools:

  • Personal reader Map+: speech synthesis software that also creates conceptual maps. It contains multimedia elements to enrich the learning experience of all, but particularly of dyslexic students.
  • ePico: software created for students with difficulties in reading, writing and numeric calculations. It is equipped with 5 specific settings for strategic management and organisation of information.
  • Cloze 2: software to make text comprehension an easier process
  • Combina le parole Win 2: didactic and rehabilitation software that provides systematic and structured learning at an elementary level in different linguistic areas
  • Visual memory: software for optimising and recovering attention, cognitive and metacognitive skills
  • Memory strategies: software for rehabilitation of memory loss or weakness
  • Carlo Mobile-Un altro modo è possibile: didactic and rehabilitation software which offers the possibility of recording and listening to texts in MP3 and WAV audio formats, also comprising a voice-activated calculator.
Hearing impairment aids

These are devices for recording MP3 audio tracks:

  • Jaws Standard and Loquendo: speech synthesis software for listening to texts in Italian or English
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking: speech-recognition software that converts spoken content to written text in real time, with 99% accuracy, to make lessons accessible to all
  • Alpha Reader: Alpha Reader: speech synthesis software in the form of a simple pen-drive to assist in difficulty with reading-writing, dyslexia, dysorthography and dyscalculia
  • Multi-track voice recorders: these make crystal-clear recordings and are extremely easy to attach to the PC for playback of audio tracks (MP3/WMA); it is possible to dictate and produce texts in electronic format.
Visual impairment aids

This equipment allows easier learning for students who are blind or suffer from visual impairment:

  • ClearView+ modular desktop magnifier in colour: this magnifies text and images by up to 50 times the original size and displays them on a 17” monitor
  • Abbyy Fine Reader: magnified photocopies and conversion of texts from paper to digital format
  • Iris Notes 1.0 Executive: scanner pen for taking handwritten notes on any type of page and transforming them into editable files
  • Braille Display: device for displaying Braille characters
  • USB Keyboard Intellikey: a simplified keyboard for mathematical operations, writing and access to Internet
  • Mouse Roller: a tool to improve computer use, speed and autonomy of movement
  • Scanner HP Scanjet and scanner programme OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
  • NotepalS: ergonomic support for improved viewing angles and comfort of use.