
Tutors and Advisors

If you wish, you can book an interview with a disability advisor. He/she will help you identify your specific needs and draw up personalised programmes (based on the type of disability) for educational requirements and study programmes/regimes. The advisor can offer support throughout your entire university experience – from enrolment to graduation – in terms of administrative and educational aspects.

The assistance includes a tutoring service, which allows you to take active control of your learning process. Two types of tutors are available:

Specialised tutors: older students and/or PhD students with specific skills/knowledge in the subject involved. Tutors are supported by technical-administrative staff with specific technical skills and knowledge of IT tools used by students with special needs, and also have excellent communicative and interpersonal skills. These tutors supply assistance and support in studying, acting as intermediaries with the various offices.

Peer Tutoring: part-time student collaborators, interns and National Civil Service volunteers. These tutors accompany students to lessons, exams and all university events (conferences, Open Days, Career Days, etc), guaranteeing assistance in movement between the university premises (classrooms, laboratories, offices, libraries, etc). They also provide important study support (exchanging notes, integrative materials, recordings of lessons, etc).

Library Service

The Students Service Office, in collaboration with the University Library System, can help you with research, reference and loans of texts, essays and journal articles. If it is not possible for you to visit the libraries, the office will organise to source the texts for you and transform them into an alternative version, as well as requesting digital and e-books from publishers. For more detailed information on the university library service, contact your Department’s Library.

Audio Lessons Repository

Log on to the moodle  platform and in the University section, you will find cooperative learning methods for the collection of notes, didactic materials and audio recordings of lessons. You will need your Avogadro ID credentials to access this material.