Wi-Fi facilities


UPO offers 2 different Wi-Fi networks. The first is an open Wi-Fi which may be used with your university login details. The second is the European Wi-Fi network ‘eduroam’.



This Wi-Fi network is the main access network.

For all University departments, the Wi-Fi network is; UNIUPOWIFI

The connection procedure is identical for everybody:

  1. Connect to the Wi-Fi network
  2. Open the browser
  3. Key in the following URL to the browser:  wifi.uniupo.it
  4. Key in your details in one of the following formats:
    • staff:  name.surname@uniupo.it  
    • students:   student ID number@studenti.uniupo.it

For any problems, contact rete@uniupo.it


EDUROAM Wi-Fi Network

Eduroam (Education roaming) is an international partnership between universities and research centres to create simple and safe access to wireless networks. Users who visit an organisation participating in the initiative can use the local wireless network by using the same credentials (username and password) of their own institutions, without needing to complete any other registration procedure with the host organisation.

Students, teaching and technical/administrative of the Università del Piemonte Orientale  can thus connect to the wi-fi network of any participating organisation, using their UniUPO details.

In the same way, users from any participating organisation can use the Eduroam network at our University, using their own institutional details.

For more information:


  • Visit cat.eduroam.org
  • Select at bottom of page "download the eduroam installation package".
  • Search and select "Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale"
  • Select your operating system and download the appropriate installer package. N.B., for iphones and ipads, select "Apple IOS mobile devices"
  • Instal and follow the instructions; you will need to key in your login credentials in the correct format:
    • name.surname@uniupo.it  for staff
    • student ID number@studenti.uniupo.it  for students

For mobile devices there is also an app available at the different stores, called eduroam.cat.

For any problems, contact rete@uniupo.it