Password management

Characteristics of a strong unique password

Your password must:

  • be at least 8 characters in length
  • contain at least 3 or 4 types of characters, including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers or special characters
  • not be the same as any of the 3 previous passwords
  • be maintained for 180 days at most

Password management

You can manage your password yourself, via the website  Log onto the platform using your login credentials, after which you can then change your password.

To enable the extra functions, click on Registration.

Please note: if you are in the process of enrolling with the university, we advise you to Register on the system only after checking that you can access your definitive and official university email account, using the format “student ID”.

Alternatively, you can register on your smartphone or tablet, using the app ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus, which can be downloaded here:

It is possible to enable various verification methods, including security questions and OTP codes/digital fingerprints on a smartphone.

You can reset your password at any time, by yourself, also from your smartphone or in the event of an expired password (remember to always change your password before this occurs).

For further instructions on this procedure,  download the Manual (In Italian)