Health and safety in classrooms

Compliant to current health and safety regulations, university premises can be entered/used subject to certain conditions.

Lessons and exams will be held in person by maintaining social distancing rules (at least one metre), while lessons can be attended by booking a place via the “Upofrequency” app or the portal “UPO Planner”. The option of online attendance of lessons is also guaranteed.

For access to university premises, students must hold a green pass (Covid vaccination/test certificate) and wear a face mask – exemption applies only to those with illnesses/conditions which prevent the wearing of face masks (as medically certified).

Entrance to university premises is forbidden to anyone with respiratory symptoms or body temperature exceeding 37.5°C.

Random checks of presented COVID-19 ‘green pass’ certification will be made at the entrances to university premises, via the app “VerificaC-19”, compliant to privacy regulations.

In order to protect the health of the entire academic community and maintain the safety conditions necessary for long-term, normal teaching and educational activity, it is strictly forbidden to enter university premises without valid Covid-19 vaccine or test certification, or a certificate of exemption issued in accordance with circulars no. 35309 of 4 August 2021 and no. 35444 of 5 August 2021 of the Ministry of Health.


We ask you to read carefully the regulations laid down in the  Co.Re.Co. guidelines


From the menu you will find instructions for booking lessons in person, and for booking study rooms and other areas inside the university.