Horizon Europe 2021-2027 -


Horizon Europe is the new European Union funding tool for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027 and will supply funding to the amount of  95.5 billion Euro.


  • Strengthen science and technological research, supporting top-class researchers and avantgarde projects
  • Promote industrial competitiveness and innovative performance, funding proposals with the highest market potential via the European Innovation Council and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology
  • Implement its own strategic priorities such as, for example, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and tackle the greatest societal challenges that influence daily quality of life.
  • On 15/03/2021 the Strategic Plan 2021-24 was launched, which defines the political direction, macro strategic approaches and expected impacts, as well as its missions and partnerships.

Main developments

Horizon innovation 2021-27 (56.59 KB)

Some improvements have been made to simplify the rules, models and forms of funding in order to enhance and exploit research results.

Innovations include: 

  • The European Innovation Council, to support pioneering ventures and projects that shape future markets with projects focused on high-risk assumption, with two tools - the pathfinder and accelerator
  • Missions, with the aim of achieving greater impact thanks to more targeted focus, a closer relationship between European R&I departments, and more direct engagement with citizens. In fact, a mission is a collection of actions with a specific objective that is relevant for science, technology, society and the European population, with a pre-established deadline.
  • Reinforcement of international collaboration, thanks to greater openness to third companies with excellent expertise, and a more general embrace of international participation
  • Corporate Grant Agreement, a new contract model that will be used in all European programmes of direct funding within the Multi-annual Financial Framework  2021-27. The common elements of all programmes in the Corporate MGA will be rounded off with specific documents detailing each programme of direct funding
  • Strengthening of methodology and policies related to open science for improved dissemination of R&I results, open access to research data, with responsible use of the European cloud European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and setting up of a new centralised service of scientific publications OPEN RESEARCH EUROPE
  • New approach (more ambitious and strategic) to European Partnerships, of 3 types:
    •           co-programmed, on the basis of protocol agreements, carried out independently
    •           co-financed, on the basis of joint programmes between partners
    •           institutionalised, on a long-term plan with a high level of integration. 

Further information

Structure and content of programme

In the side menu: the content, latest news and rules of the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation