I Partenariati


One of the latest innovations from Horizon Europe is the new approach to European Partnerships with EU country members, the private sector, foundations and other stakeholders, to address some of Europe’s most pressing challenges and industrial modernisation through concerted research and innovation initiatives.

The Horizon Europe partnerships will be reduced in number and organised in 3 new typologies:

  1. Co-planned partnerships on the basis of protocol agreements, set up independently
  2. Co-funded partnerships on the basis of joint programmes with partners
  3. Institutionalised partnerships, on a long-term basis

A number of 49 partnerships have been identified, with the list included in attachment 7 of the document Orientations towards the first Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe and further outlined in this report by the European Commission.

Table with the list of partners, grouped by main cluster

More information is available on the official page of the European Commission dedicated to future partnerships.