- AppRoach to the Circular Economy in the packaging and automotive sectors for the recycling of plastic products from industrial waste and end-of-life items



Funding body
Regione Piemonte
Bioeconomy technology platform
€ 270.918

Departments and Centres



Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica


Working group

Michele Laus
Valentina Gianotti
Diego Antonioli
Riccardo Chiarcos
Elena Perin

Project duration

Start date
End date

The goal of the RECIPLAST project is to improve eco-sustainability of plastic used in the packaging and automobile industries in three ways: chemical recycling, mechanical recycling and optimisation of recycled materials.

Specifically, the UPO team are working on the development of recycling processes for waste materials from car components which pose problems in the recycling chain and are destined for landfill. These waste materials are treated with polyurethane expanses by chemical recyling and mixed plastic elements mixed by mechanical recycling.

The partners involved in the project include 15 companies, 3 research organisations and 3 authorities/associations in the sector. UPO is working with Capofila Garbo, Proplast and Maris.