SBA project

The University Library System has obtained funding of approximately EUR 310,000 from PNRR funds for the implementation of the ‘Removal of Cognitive and Sensory Barriers in the Library of the Novara University Pole’ project.
The funding is part of the PNRR funds coordinated by the Ministry of Culture-Directorate General for Museums and is included in Mission 1 (Digitisation, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture and Tourism), Component 3 (Tourism and Culture 4.0), Investment 1.2 ‘Removal of physical and cognitive barriers in museums, libraries and archives’.
The project is currently being implemented and will be completed by the end of February 2024.
These interventions are planned:

  • adoption of a web solution, based on Artificial Intelligence, which modifies the portal interface (OPAC) on the basis of the disability profile selected and allows personalised use
  • adoption of a solution to improve orientation in the library through the implementation of an Augmented Reality geolocation APP
  • creation of a digital environment (virtual exhibition) where it will be possible to enjoy specially selected texts and documents reproduced three-dimensionally, to make the collections more accessible
  • acquisition of compensatory software for users with DSA, educational licences transferable to students, configuration of computer workstations, also equipped with scanners with OCR software, to digitally capture texts and be read by speech synthesis software.

For information on the progress of the project:à/progetto-rimozione-delle-barriere-cognitive-e-sensoriali-nella-biblioteca-del