2022-2026 PNRR Orientation


The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) defines the investment and reform program that the Italian government has prepared to face the crisis caused by the Covid19 pandemic and put the country back on a sustainable and inclusive growth plan, using the resources made available by the European Initiative Next Generation Eu (NGEU).

Among the initiatives proposed by the PNRR, there’s the strengthening of the education services offer: from nurseries to universities, which includes, in particular, the investment on active Orientation in the school-university transition. The resources allocated to the investment amount to 250 million euros to be distributed annually over the five-year period 2022-2026.

The investment aims to facilitate and encourage the transition from upper secondary school to university and, at the same time, to address university dropouts in subsequent years, helping the achievement of the strategic objective to increase the number of graduates . The investment contributes to the qualification of the education system through an increase of the success indicators (school attendance, improvement in learning levels, number of students admitted to the following academic year, etc.) and the mitigation of gender gaps, both in terms of employment and participation in higher education in all fields. 

The measure, implemented by the MUR, consists of an investment program for students starting from the third year of high school, with an expected result of increasing the transition rate between school and university. In particular, it foresees the training of 1 million students, through short courses provided by university professors and school teachers, which allow students to better understand the offer of university educational paths and to fill the gaps in the required basic skills.

Fonte: Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza