Work experience/placements

This section provides reports on monitoring of overall customer satisfaction levels regarding both the students’ and the companies’ experience of work placements.


Target audience

The questionnaires are administered both to students who have been on placements in companies, and to the host companies themselves.


Monitored services

Student satisfaction levels are monitored by investigating the reasons for their choice (specific interest in the activity, possible career opportunities for future, logistic convenience) and by their evaluation both of the work experience/placement overall and support received from the host organisation tutor during the traineeship.

Host company satisfaction levels are monitored according to an overall evaluation of the trainee, the service offered by the placement offices, and the usefulness of the placement for the company itself.


Il grafico mostra, nel periodo 2015-2019, quanti studenti hanno scelto il tirocinio/stage per le possibili ricadute lavorative future (1: scarso, 4: elevato)
The graph shows (for the period 2015-2019) the level of influence of possible future career opportunities on students’ choice of placement/work experience (1: scarce , 4: high) Source: Gestionale Esse3