Catalog 2022-2023

A.Y. 2022/2023

As part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4 “Education and research” – Component 1 “Strengthening the offer of education services: from nursery schools to University” – Investment 1.6 “Active orientation in the transition school – university”, the University of Eastern Piedmont offers orientation courses to students in the last three years of secondary school. School institutions will be able to integrate orientation paths within their training offer, also within the framework of the "Paths for Transversal Skills and Orientation" (PCTO).

The regulations is contained in the Ministerial Decree M.D. 934 of 3 August 2022 and in Directorial Decree no. 1452 of 22 September 2022.

For further information, contact the Program Representative, Prof. Chiara Morelli and the Course Representative, Dr Emma Altomare, Tel.0161.261566