Online Training Course on EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

The course responds to the European Commission's request to strengthen the implementation of the European Union Charter in the protection and promotion of the fundamental rights of migrant women in the EU, the promotion of gender equality, the protection of the rights of victims of crime, the fight against human trafficking and the promotion of integration and inclusion of migrant women in the EU, as well as access to justice for all.

The course is part of the activities of the FULFIL Project - Protection and Promotion of Fundamental Rights of Migrant Women in the European Union. Funded by the European Commission, it is coordinated by the European Network of Migrant Women (ENOMW) and implemented in Italy by Associazione IROKO.

The training, which is completely free of charge, is addressed in particular to legal experts, law students, professors and researchers in the legal field, diplomatic personnel, law enforcement officers and practitioners and the general public, and includes the use and analysis of real cases/scenarios and examples of litigation.

Fill in this form if you wish to participate in the training course that will be held online in English on Wednesday 3rd July at 17:00-19:00 CET. The training will be held on Zoom. You will receive the link by email.

If you would like to participate in the training in Italian, please fill in this form and choose one of the dates available in Italian, 4th or 24th July. 

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