In Italy

Parties involved and their duties

The parties involved in activating a work placement experience are:

  • university students and recent graduates, up to 12 months after graduating (placement trainees)
  • participating companies and organisations (hosts)
  • The University (scheme promoter)

The trainee must: fulfil the necessary requisites (for example, the year of registration or number of acquired academic credits) as established by each department. He/she is obliged to carry out the activities and tasks laid down in the Individual Training Plan, fulfilling all duties laid down by the company tutor and educational tutor, conforming to all the rules indicated in the agreement and training plan.

The company/organisation must: guarantee completion of the training plan in the manner and terms established; nominate a company tutor to follow the trainee; fulfill all requisites and regulations laid down in the agreement and individual training plan. In the event of injury or accident, the company/organisation must immediately contact the university department; should the placement be interrupted, suspended or delayed, the Department must be informed promptly.

The University/Department must: nominate an educational tutor; guarantee accident and injury insurance for the trainee with INAIL (Italian Institute for work-related injury insurance); and third-party liability with an insurance company. It must also conform to all regulations laid down in the agreement and individual training plan.


A curricular internship is generally unpaid, but allows the participant to gain work experience that can be added to a CV and, in some cases,  collect academic credits.

An extra-curricular internship (On-the-job training) carried out within 12 months of graduation, is paid: the minimum wage that the host company must offer is established by the relevant regional rules currently applied.


The minimum duration of a curricular internship is established by each university programme. If no regulations have been laid down, the duration will be agreed between the parties involved.  The internship must, in any case, end before graduation.

The duration of extra-curricular on-the-job training experiences cannot, generally, exceed six months.