Coordinated Academic Program in Finance Italy – The USA

Who is the Coordinated Program for?

Highly motivated students that want to develop a stronger skill-set in order to have a competitive differentiation to reach their future career goals.

This Coordinated Program allows selected Italian students to attend courses in both partner universities and obtain two separate degrees:

  • Laurea Magistrale (Master Degree) in Management e Finanza (MeF) from UPO
  • Master Degree in Finance (MFin) from Stevens

Structure of the Coordinated Program

  • FIRST YEAR, ITALY – enroll at UPO attending the MeF courses, application for admission to the Coordinated Program
  • SECOND YEAR – study at Stevens attending the courses that will fulfill the MFIn degree requirements (at least 24 credits)
  • COMING BACK and defense of the thesis at UPO

Check the list of the courses to be delivered, respectively, at UPO and at Stevens.

The Learning Agreement will plan in advance the educational activities to attend during the first year in Italy and abroad during the second year in The USA.

Admission requirements

The Coordinated Program is reserved to students enrolled or intending to enroll in the Master degree in Management e Finanza – curriculum Finance at UPO.


  • must apply during the first year of their MeF studies at UPO,
  • must have an undergraduate UPO’s grade above 89/110 (GPA of 3.0 or above),
  • during the first year, they must successfully complete each class by achieving a grade of at least “B”, corresponding to 26/30 at UPO,
  • non-native English speaking candidates must have a satisfactory level of proficiency in English (IBT > 90; IELTS > 7).

The selection process follows the procedures and deadlines reported in the call for applications, published annually.

Candidates for the Coordinated Program shall apply to UPO first and will be interviewed by UPO prior to its admission decision. Students who are successfully accepted into the UPO portion of the Coordinated Program shall apply via the Stevens Graduate Admissions website for admission into the Stevens Degree Program.

Tuition fees and opportunities

Selected candidates:

  • will attend their first year at Università del Piemonte Orientale. First year tuition fees are due only to Università del Piemonte Orientale;
  • will attend their second year at Stevens Institute of Technology. Second year tuition fees are due to Stevens Institute; for the academic year 2021-2022 they will be $ 25,500 and scholarships are available. At UPO students will pay the regional tax and the stamp duty;
  • can get students job opportunities and scholarships during their second year in the U.S.;
  • can apply for a work visa in the USA valid up to three years from the graduation.

The best students may obtain a scholarship offered by Italian Institutions.

Some scholarships may cover the total amount of the tuition fees for second year and some other may support students for a percentage of the amount


Università del Piemonte Orientale, UPO – Stevens Institute of Technology, Stevens


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