Call for ideas — Learning and Teaching

Proposals should present a competitive project within the following programmes:

  1. Joint programmes (corresponding to Key Action 1 – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees in the previous Erasmus+ programme), 
  2. Mobility programmes with partner countries (corresponding to Key Action 1 – Mobility Project between Programme and Partner Countries in the previous Erasmus+ programme),
  3. Partnership and cooperation projects (corresponding to Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the previous Erasmus+ programme),
  4. Training projects for doctoral students - Doctoral Training Networks (corresponding to the initiative Innovative Training Networks – ITN of the previous Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme)

The proposal must arrive, as stated in the form below, by Monday 15 June 2020 – 12pm via email to


Previous editions: success and projects waiting for approval

The Call for Ideas project was founded in 2016 to support and incentivate international teaching initiatives.

Two of the proposals supported by the call of the earliest editions (2016 and 2017) have resulted in projects funded by the European Commission:

  • The idea by Prof. Tracey Pirali European Master in Translational Cosmetic and Dermatological Sciences, presented within Key Action1 – Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, led to the launch in 2018/2019 of the Master’s programme EMOTION
  • The idea by Prof. Lia Rimondini Multi-Tasking regeneration in dentistry and orthopedic fields (MEDITATE) presented as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (ITN) Actions guarantees international training of PhD students in the project Precision medicine for muscolo-skeletal regeneration, prosthetics, and active aging. (PREMUROSA)

The project proposal in the third edition, 2018European Joint Doctorate in Global Health, Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Medicine of Prof. Francesco Della Corte is currently being assessed by the European Commission as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (ITN) Actions for joint doctorate PhD students.

Regarding the fourth edition - Call for Ideas 2019 – the following proposals were approved:

  • A proposal in the field of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 – Mobility Project between Programme and Partner Countries, of Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, Department of Economics and Business Studies
  • The proposal Business Ecosystems for Social Innovation to present in the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, from Prof. Davide Maggi, Department of Economics and Business Studies


Useful documents (login required):