Serena Quattrocolo to be part of the pool of experts tasked with reforming the criminal justice process

Professor Serena Quattrocolo, full professor of Criminal Procedure Law and director of the Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences at the UPO, has been appointed by Justice Minister Marta Cartabia as a member of the pool of experts whose task will be to redefine the rules of criminal proceedings.

The commission appointed by Minister Cartabia will be chaired by former President of the Constitutional Court Giorgio Lattanzi. 
The vice-chairmen will be the former President of the Italian Supreme Court, Ernesto Lupo, and Gian Luigi Gatta (University of Milan). Other members will be magistrates Carlo Citterio, Luigi Orsi, Rodolfo Sabelli and Fabrizio D'Arcangelo, lawyer Francesco Arata, and, in addition to Professor Serena Quattrocolo, academics Mitja Gialuz (Genoa), Luca Luparia Donati (Milan), Vittorio Manes (Bologna), Grazia Mannozzi (Insubria) and Andrea Simoncini (Florence).