The Promoting Committee for the candidature of "2025 World Winter University Games" was set up today

Today the Promoting Committee for the candidature of "2025 Winter University World Games" was set up; it is composed by Regione Piemonte, the Municipality of Turin, the Università di Torino, the Polytechnic University of Turin, the Università del Piemonte Orientale, the University Sports Centre of Turin, Cusi Piedmont and Edisu. Regional Councillor for Sport Fabrizio Ricca has been appointed to chair the Committee.

"Today's is another important step towards the possibility of hosting 2025 Winter University World Games in our territory, and I am honoured to be the Committee's President - says the Piedmont Regional Councillor for Sport Fabrizio Ricca -. We have always supported the importance of major events as a driving force for the local economy and we believe that Piedmont is the right region to organise these Games, that will bring thousands of students from all over the world to our mountains and cities".

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