Power and arrogance. A dialogue with Luciano Violante on past and present politics


On 29 March, former President of the Chamber of Deputies Luciano Violante will discuss his book "Insegna Creonte" with professors Eliana Baici and Massimo Cavino

On Monday 29 March 2021, from 5:00pm to 6:00pm in live streaming, he will be guest of UPO and Circolo dei Lettori.

Luciano Violante, former professor of Law and Criminal Procedure, magistrate and member of parliament, president of the Anti-Mafia Commission from 1992 to 1994 and president of the Chamber of Deputies from 1996 to 2001, is now president of the Leonardo Foundation.

His book is the result of the author's long political experience, through intense phases of Republican history: from the years of terrorism to Tangentopoli, from Berlusconism to the political impasse of 2013, which saw him in the group of 10 wise men appointed by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano to rewrite the institutional and economic reforms necessary to the country's development.

The live streaming will be available on the University of Eastern Piedmont's Constitutional Information YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDBztyKY77lxCr9MEuCf-WA.

For information, please contact informazionecostituzionale.disei@uniupo.it