More than 2.000 UPO alumni to fill the streets of Novara on June 11th for the seventh Graduation Day

UPO Graduation Day will finally be held in attendance, and Università del Pieomonte Orientale has already invited all of its graduates who have received their degrees from mid-2019 to date for Saturday, June 11th. The pandemic is far from a memory but the current health conditions allow the University, in collaboration and with the crucial support of the City of Novara, to organize an event that 2,200 alumni have already enthusiastically joined.

The seventh Graduation Day includes, as in the past, the long procession from the "Perrone" Campus to Piazza Martiri della Libertà, passing through Via Perrone, Corso Mazzini, Via Fratelli Rosselli to the square overlooked by the Coccia Theater and the Visconteo Sforzesco Castle.

The university procession will leave at 6 p.m. from the Perrone Campus. It is scheduled to arrive at Piazza Martiri della Libertà at 6:45 p.m., after the mayors of the cities of Novara, Alessandria and Vercelli have also joined the procession. After the ritual speeches, the awarding of prizes and the greeting to the graduates by UPO Rector Professor Gian Carlo Avanzi, at 7:30 p.m. the alumni will finally be able to throw in the air the "tocco".