Loredana Segreto is the new general manager of UPO


Loredana Segreto, as of September 1, 2021 is the new general manager of the University of Eastern Piedmont. She will hold this role for the next three years. She takes the place of Andrea Turolla, who returns to the role of Professor of Business Economics at the Department of Economics and Business Studies.

Graduated with honors in Law in Turin, Loredana Segreto has pursued her career at the University of Turin, where from 2009 she was first administrative director and then general manager.

The broad range of experience gained in over thirty years of activity, in a context of deep institutional, organizational and administrative change, has allowed her to develop the best skills in the overall management of universities and a strong sense of social responsibility of the public function. She is member of the boards of consortia, foundations, evaluation and guarantee bodies, as well as professional associations. She is also a member of the Order of Journalists as a publicist.

The Rector and the entire UPO community welcomed her warmly. "There were many candidates for the position of director general - says the Rector, Prof. Gian Carlo Avanzi - but Dr. Loredana Segreto impressed us for her considerable experience and expertise in the university environment, but above all for her open and constructive vision, perfectly in line with our Strategic Plan.

The General Manager is responsible for the overall management and organization of services, instrumental resources and technical-administrative personnel of the University.