Social Work
servizio sociale
Degree programme
3-year undergraduate
Course title (Classe)
Classe: L-39 – Servizio sociale
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Teaching locations

ASTI - Polo Universitario Rita Levi Montalcini, Piazzale De André

Course overview

This undergraduate degree course allows you to pursue a career as a social worker, providing you with a wide range of skills in the field. It is strongly interdisciplinary (with content in sociology, political science, social service, law, psychology, foreign language) to prepare you for:

  • Resolving and preventing situations of distress/disadvantage for individuals, families, groups and communities
  • Promoting and coordinating new organisations (including non-profit associations) within the integrated social welfare system
  • Performing roles of organisation, planning and management of social services.

Internships totalling 450 hours and profession-based workshops allow you to put your knowledge into practice regarding the organisation of social services and relationships with users.

Erasmus agreements

Erasmus partner institutions

  • Bulgaria: "National and World Economics" (Sofia). 
  • Repubblica Ceca: Hradec, Masaryk (Brno). 
  • Finlandia: Tampere. 
  • Francia: Savoie (Chambéry), Sud-Toulon-Var (Tolone), Sophia-Antipolis (Nizza), Rouen, Rennes I, Reims-Champagne-Ardenne (Reims), Catholique de Lyon, Paris Nanterres (Parigi), Montpellier, Strasbourg. 
  • Germania: Treviri, Marburg. 
  • Lituania: Kaunas. 
  • Malta: Malta (Msida). 
  • Polonia: “Karol Adamiecki Economiczny” (Katowice), “Jagellllonsky” (Cracovia), "Lazarki School of commerce and law" (Varsavia), Bydgoszcz, Opole
  • Portogallo: Castelo Branco, Covilha, Lisbona, Porto. 
  • Romania: “1 Decembrie 1918” (Alba Iulia). 
  • Spagna: "Miguel Hernandez" (Elche), Jaen, Murcia, La Laguna (Tenerife), "Rovira i Virgili" (Tarragona), Vigo
Key features
  • An interdisciplinary and strongly practical course on tackling social problems and their intricacies
  • Tutoring provided throughout the entire programme and internships
  • Interactive teaching with the possibility of putting theory into practice during internships
  • A lively learning environment, with cultural and social initiatives and constant learning opportunities
  • Strong links with regional services, which are actively involved in the course, and lessons from expert users
Career and employment opportunities

After taking the State Exam, you are a qualified Social Worker
Potential workplaces:

  • Local Health Services (Psychiatry Services; Family Counselling clinics; addiction clinics; Hospital Social Services; Rehabilitation and functional re-education…)
  • Regional Services (municipalities and consortiums; working with minors, adults…)
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Prefectures
  • Social cooperatives and foundations
  • Industries and professional associations

The natural academic progression after a Social Work undergraduate degree is the Master’s degree in Society and Local Development, in the Social Work and Political Sciences programme (LM-87), allowing you to qualify as a Specialist Social Worker after taking the relevant State Exam.