Degree programme
3-year undergraduate
Course title (Classe)
L/SNT12– Professioni sanitarie della riabilitazione
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Novara, via Perrone 18

Teaching locations

Novara, Alessandria, Fossano


School of Medicine, DISS - Department of Health Sciences

Accessing the course

Admission test - Thursday 5 September 2024 (Information about test)
Novara; Alessandria; Fossano

Course overview

This training course provides a foundation in rehabilitation issues – from prevention to cure and physiotherapy, according to professional guidelines. According to the ministerial decree 741/94, “A physiotherapist is a health professional who holds a university diploma that qualifies him/her to perform (independently or in partnership with other health practitioners) measures of prevention, cure and rehabilitation in the areas of mobility, higher cortical functions, and visceral functions resulting from pathological events, of various origins (both congenital and acquired).”

Erasmus agreements
  • Francia: Sophia-Antipolis (Nizza), Nantes
  • Germania: Marburg
  • Grecia: Patrasso
  • Polonia: Wroclaw
  • Portogallo: Lisbona
  • Spagna: Granada, Almeria, "Rovira i Virgili" (Tarragona), Valladolid  
Key features
  • Acquisition of skills in fields of rehabilitation, as required in the workplace
  • Specific workshops held by Italian and international experts
  • Traineeships with Erasmus and Free-mover projects
  • Interprofessional and multidisciplinary workshops in clinical practice
  • Introductory routes to scientific research for Evidence-Based Practice training

 The course offers you the chance to develop your clinical reasoning and translate the knowledge acquired into clinical and relational skills in the rehabilitation field of interest. You will be guided in your academic path with a personalised tutoring programme from expert professionals, and supervised training that conforms to European standards. You will complete interactive teaching tutorials for a learning process guided by problem analysis, deployment of methodological skills in problem-solving and decision-making, and practice in gesture development and communication in the clinical environment.

Career and employment opportunities

Qualified Physiotherapist
Grounding for Specialisation Master’s degree, 1st level, and Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Sciences for the Health Professions
Roles in the National and Regional Health Services; also abroad, in countries which recognise the qualification
Roles in private structures (accredited and affiliated), private clinics, rehabilitation centres, nursing homes, home-based treatment, multi-specialist clinics.
Freelance activity as an individual or associate partner for sport clubs, service-supplier cooperatives, non-governmental organisations, and public or private preventive healthcare providers
Scientific researcher.