Literature and humanities
immagine di copertina
Degree programme
3-year undergraduate
Course title (Classe)
L-10 – Lettere
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office


Alessandria - course currently winding down

Teaching locations

Vercelli, Via G. Ferraris 116 

Course overview

This degree programme, characterised by a clear and linear structure, offers an excellent grounding in the humanities: the Greek and Latin roots, Italian (language and literary culture), linguistics and history of the Italian language, philology, sociopolitical history from ancient times to the present, geography, archaeology and history of art, library science and digital humanities. For the “Cultural heritage” element, you can select a specific study path: as well as the core content in linguistics, literature, history and geography, second and third year courses are offered on more specific topics and methodologies.

Erasmus agreements

Erasmus partner institutions

  • Austria: Graz
  • Belgio: Liegi
  • Croazia: Rijeka
  • Francia: Bordeaux, Lille, Versailles, Grenoble, Chambery, Nanci, Université de la Réunion
  • Germania: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Monaco di Baviera), Marburg, Bochum, Potsdam, Karls Ruher
  • Norvegia: Volda
  • Polonia: Varsavia, Wroclaw, Lodz, “Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań
  • Portogallo: Madeira
  • Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest, Galati
  • Spagna: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), Murcia,  “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Tenerife, Salamanca, Siviglia, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Ciudad Juarez Real, Huelva, Badajoz (Estremadura), Burgos, Jaen, Oviedo, Pamplona
Key features
  • High standards of teaching and research
  • Innovative teaching with seminars, conferences, workshops and study trips
  • Guidance and support when applying for Erasmus and Free-Mover international programmes, contacts with top international universities
  • The opportunity to pursue a double degree, thanks to a partnership agreement with the Université de Savoie (Chambéry
Career and employment opportunities
  • Specialist roles in cultural, archive, bibliography and administrative services
  • Archive and Library staff;
  • Roles in publishing: text-editing in journalist or publishing offices, editorial consultancy in publishing house, copywriting in various sectors (public relations, showbusiness)
  • Roles in the fields of advertising, public relations, radio/TV production management, cinema and theatre management, museums and libraries
  • Organisers of trade fairs, shows, cultural events, conferences, exhibitions, receptions
  • Cultural guide in museums and archaeological sites (subject to specific post-degree exams)