Degree programme
3-year undergraduate
Course title (Classe)
L - 27 – Scienze e tecnologie chimiche
Access type
3 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Viale Teresa Michel, 11

Teaching locations

Alessandria, viale T. Michel 11

Course overview

This course offers a solid grounding in mathematics, physics and biology – necessary areas of knowledge for the study of chemistry – and a strong foundation in all chemistry disciplines: analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, general and inorganic chemistry, and industrial chemistry. Theory lessons are complemented by a high number of practical course hours in the laboratory, an essential component for the acquisition of skills necessary in a chemist. The end-of-course internship offers the chance to gain experience within companies and local businesses, or to remain in the University and do further research in topics that particularly interest you. This course allows you to apply for positions with companies, analysis and quality control laboratories, and public authorities, or to continue your studies with a Master’s degree course.

Erasmus agreements
  • Spagna: Saragozza, Granada, Cordova, Siviglia, Coruna
  • Francia: Nantes
  • Polonia: PJ-IIT (Varsavia), University Mikolaja Kopernica (Torun)
  • Portogallo: Nova (Lisbona)
  • Ungheria: University of Debrecen (Debrecen)
  • Malta: University of Malta
  • Norvegia: University of Scienze and Technology (Trondheim)
Key features
  • A strong grounding in the fields of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
  • A high number of practical hours in laboratories with technologically advanced equipment
  • Guidance and support when applying for Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes
  • End of course internship in companies/local authorities, or at the University
  • Soft skill workshops: self-assessment, teamwork, public speaking and leadership
Career and employment opportunities
  • Analysis and quality control roles in companies of all sizes, and analysis/control laboratories (private or public)
  • Management of chemical processes and plants in the industrial chemistry fields of energy transformation, and treatment of air, water and soil.
  • Technician and/or analyst in public or private sector laboratories for development of new products, and new chemical  processes for managing and transforming energy resources, taking into account the principles of sustainable (“green”) chemistry.
  • Freelancer / Consultant, subject to passing the State Exam and enrolling in Section B of the Register of Junior Chemists.