Law (for Economics and Business)
Giurisprudenza economia e impresa
Degree programme
Single cycle Master’s degree (5 years)
Course title (Classe)
LMG/01 – Master’s degrees in Law
Access type
5 Years
Student Services Office

Novara, Via Perrone 18

Teaching locations

Novara, Via Perrone 18

Course overview

The Master's Degree course in Law (for economics and business) aims to provide students with the preparation, methodologies and cultural and scientific skills necessary to achieve a high level of legal knowledge in its various branches and related economic subjects.

During the five-year course, the basic and characteristic subjects of the Law degree are flanked by numerous subjects in the economic-business area, in a harmonious and synergistic relationship, aimed at providing students with a transversal training that promotes their insertion into a world of work which increasingly requires interdisciplinary preparation.

Graduates will therefore be able, in their future work fields, not only to deal with and resolve legal issues and problems of the most varied nature, but also to appropriately and consciously address the economic implications that the legal expert is nowadays increasingly faced with.

Erasmus agreements

DISEI partnerships for Erasmus

  • Belgium: Vives (Kortrijk), Mons
  • Czech Republic: VSEM (Prague)
  • Denmark: VIA University (Horsens)
  • France: Lille 1, Savoy
  • Germany: Regensburg, Trier
  • Latvia: Banku (Riga)
  • Greece: Pireaus (Egaleo), Kavala
  • Lithuania: Kaunas
  • Malta: Msida
  • Portugal: Castelo Branco, Coimbra, Leiria, Tomar, Viseu
  • Spain: Central de Cataluna (Barcelona), Girona, Malaga, Jaén, La Laguna (Tenerife), "Pablo de Olavide" (Seville), Santiago de Compostela
  • Hungary: Sopron.
Key features

• Innovative training course

• interdisciplinary course attentive to economic and business profiles

• possibility of obtaining a double degree with just one additional year (5 years + 1) by enrolling in the Master's Degree course in Professional and Human Resource Administration activated at the same DISEI Department: after a six-year university course, the student will acquire two master's degrees, in law and economics

• participation in the Erasmus and Free-Mover programmes for international mobility

Career and employment opportunities

Expert in legal matters, with specialised training in the economic-business field. The employment opportunities for graduates with a law degree are particularly wide:

  • “traditional” outlets: lawyers, notaries and the judiciary (ordinary, administrative and accounting)
  • managerial functions in the private corporate sector, including the banking, insurance and financial sectors (legal firms and human resource offices/agencies)
  • third sector
  • public administration (central, regional and local)
  • unions
  • international and European Community institutions
  • diplomatic career
  • by earning 24 credits in psychogical/pedagogical/anthropological disciplines and in teaching methodologies and technologies, it is possible to proceed to teaching in upper secondary school

• after obtaining the required qualifications (in particular, a research doctorate), it is possible to pursue an academic and research career at public and private centres of research.

The skills acquired from the study of economic disciplines open up job prospects with managerial, executive and responsibility roles in private and public companies of various sizes and in the most diverse areas of the production of goods and services and financial activities and, more generally, in all those areas where expertise in analysis and legal and economic evaluation are fundamental. On the other hand, the acquisition of economic-business skills allows the graduate to tackle problems of a legal and/or economic nature, with which even jurists who carry out one of the so-called ‘traditional’ legal professions (magistrate, lawyer, notary) are increasingly asked to resolve.