UPO PhD Handbook


Below you will find useful information for your doctoral path.

If you don't find what you are looking for, write to dottorati@uniupo.it


DOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS: what they are, how they are awarded, duration


  • Doctoral scholarships are grants awarded to the doctoral student to carry out research and training activities during the three-year doctoral period
  • The awarding of scholarships takes place by competition. The number of scholarships available for each Doctoral Course is indicated in the Call. Following the selection of candidates and publication of the ranking, the scholarships are awarded according to the relevant merit ranking of suitable candidates.
  • The Doctorate course lasts 3 years in UPO.


AMOUNT OF THE SCHOLARSHIP: cumulative payment of the scholarship, INPS and social security contributions


  • The value of the scholarship paid monthly to each doctoral student amounts to €1,353.58 gross, which corresponds to €1,195.62 net per month.
  • The payment of the scholarship is monthly and deferred. For the first year only, the first two months (November and December) are paid in January of the following year. For the remaining 34 months the grant is paid monthly.
  • The doctoral scholarship cannot be cumulated with other scholarships awarded for any reason or research grants.
  • INPS registration and social security contributions: the doctoral scholarship is subject to INPS social security contribution, with separate management, (art. 2, paragraph 26, L. 8.8.1995 n. 335) and is income exempt from IRPEF (Law 476/1984 - Law 398/89).


  • Withdrawal from the course is possible in any period of the three-year programme and does not entail the refund of the amounts received. Anyone who has already received a scholarship for a doctoral course cannot be enrolled in a subsequent doctoral course with a scholarship.
  • All successful applicants who enrol in a PhD course (with scholarship) are required to pay: Euro 202.00 per year as a contribution for accessing and attending the courses, Euro 10 .00 per year as a contribution for sports activities, Euro 140.00 per year as a regional tax of the Right to Education Institution (EDISU). Doctoral students who do not receive a scholarship are exempt from paying taxes or contributions to the University (212 euros) and will therefore pay only 140 euros for Edisu.
  • Payment of taxes is electronic via PagoPA and must be made upon enrolment.
  • Doctorates without a scholarship are exempt from the contribution to the University of 212 euros and will therefore only have to pay the contribution of 140 euros for EDISU.
  • Those enrolled in PhD courses as university students have access to all subsidised social benefits provided for by the Ministerial Decree of 9 April 2001 and by Legislative Decree 31 March 1998, no. 109 and subsequent amendments and additions, provided by EDISU.
  • The PhD student will be able to carry out research at foreign institutions or universities for a maximum of 12 months in the three-year period, subject to authorisation from the Tutor and Course Coordinator (18 months only in the case of a joint doctoral programme in co-supervision of the thesis).
  • To carry out research activities abroad, the doctoral student must obtain the authorisation of the Tutor and the PhD Course Coordinator
  • To this end, the PhD student must complete the form in its entirety (including the sections relating to teachers) and ask the relevant Department for the increase in scholarship and for any reimbursement of expenses to be indicated on the form. The form, completed in its entirety, must be sent to the Tutor and Coordinator for signatures.
  • Once signed, the form must be sent to dottorati@uniupo.it
  • Upon arrival at the foreign institution, the PhD student must have the Host Institution's Tutor send certification of the start of the research study abroad to dottorati@uniupo.it, in which case the scholarship will be increased by 50% (even for periods of a few days) and will be paid at the end of the period for research activities not exceeding three months or every two months for research activities abroad exceeding three months. However, reimbursement of expenses must be requested from the relevant Department upon return (see regulations Transfers and exchanges between UPO departments/locations)


  • For the three years of the course, all PhD students (with or without scholarship) have a budget available for research expenses (transfers, enrolment on courses, etc.) of 1,625 euros per year for the three years (RESEARCH BUDGET PhD students reimbursable expenses.)
  • The research budget is made available to PhD students in January of the first year. Reimbursement of budget expenses must be requested in the relevant department, even by those who benefit from an increased scholarship in the case of research abroad.
  • In the event of an accident/injury, it is necessary to inform your Tutor and the University's Health and Safety Office at prevsic@uniupo.it to guarantee the insurance coverage.
  • In case of pregnancy, it is necessary to inform your Tutor as well as the University's Health and Safety Office (prevsic@uniupo.it) to guarantee the application of the necessary safety rules for the pregnant woman and her unborn child. To this end, the pregnant PhD student must communicate the pregnancy as soon as possible by sending the course leave request forms to the office.
  • The maternity allowance, recognised and provided to all those enrolled in the separate management system, must be requested by PhD students directly from INPS
RESEARCH PRODUCTS: Catalogue of research products - IRIS
  • IRIS - Institutional Research Information System, is the Cineca public portal dedicated to the collection and management of data relating to research products. It is a unique system integrated with the other university systems, capable of communicating with the central national and international systems for the management and dissemination of publications, compliant with MIUR and European Commission requirements on Open Access. IRIS can be found at iris.uniupo.it
  • Doctoral students can activate IRIS only starting from January of the first year of the doctorate.
  • To activate IRIS and find more information, visit FAQ IRIS

Each PhD student of the University has two different email addresses:

  • matricola@studenti.uniupo.it
    • To receive the monthly payslip
    • for general university communications (to teachers/researchers/fellowship holders/PhD students/students)
    • for general communications from the PhD office
    • for questionnaires for PhD students
  • nome.cognome@uniupo.it
    • To use some University services (Reservations for use of equipment in GCalendar, IRIS rooms)
    • To upload IRIS publications
    • To receive communications from the PhD course coordinators/Offices

At the time of enrolment, the address enrolmentnumber@studenti.uniupo.it is provided; for activation, the password is sent to the personal email address indicated during registration.

It is not necessary to request activation of the email name.surname@uniupo.it. from the coordinator and/or doctoral tutor; the email address is created by January of the first year; the password is sent to the personal email address indicated during registration.

The Google email app allows you to simultaneously manage two different addresses. To activate this function, you need to:

set up automatic forwarding which sends all messages from the email address  enrolmentnumber @studenti.uniupo.it to the email name.surname@uniupo.it

The steps to follow are: log in from the email  enrolmentnumber @studenti.uniupo.it and choose the account settings (at the top, gear icon) > view all settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab > Forwarding. Write the address name.surname@uniupo.it under "forward an email in your inbox" > Save changes.

  • Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 226/2021, joint attendance of the PhD course and a medical specialisation course is permitted exclusively to graduate students in Medicine and Surgery holding specialist training contracts pursuant to Legislative Decree. 17 August 1999 no. 368.
  • Any enrolment on a medical specialisation course pursuant to Legislative Decree. 17 August 1999 no. 368 must be communicated to the Academic Board so that it can certify its compatibility.
  • It is not possible to simultaneously benefit from a PhD scholarship and salaries (of any type) received in relation to activities of the specialisation school.

University regulations

Regolamento UPO "Dottorati di Ricerca"

Linee Guida per l'utilizzo del budget 10% 


National regulations

Regolamento MUR - DM 226/2021

Governing the modalities for the accreditation of doctoral centers and courses and criteria for the establishment of doctoral courses by accredited institutions (Ministerial Decree 226 of 14/12/2021)

Linee guida MUR - Accreditamento

For the accreditation of doctoral programs (D.M. 301 of 22/03/2022)

Legge Gelmini Legge 240/2010