Medical biotechnologies (course held in English)
medical biotechnologies
Degree programme
Course title (Classe)
LM-9 - Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche
Access type
2 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Novara, Via Perrone 18

Teaching locations

Novara, via Solaroli 17


School of medicine - DISS, Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute

Course overview

Attending the Medical Biotechnologies Master Degree, you will receive solid up-to-date knowledge and an advanced “wet” & “dry” lab expertise in molecular biomedicine applied to the biological and genetic understanding of human diseases. Starting from academic year 2020-21, you will have the option to choose between two didactical curricula: i) Molecular Basis of Disease, covering pathogenesis, advanced diagnosis and design of innovative therapeutic strategies of human diseases; and ii) System Biomedicine, focusing on “big data” analysis in different “-omics” (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, clinical omics…) and their translational implications forbiomedicine. Through the internships offered by both curricula, you will become active part of a lab group involved in international research and have the opportunity to develop a thesis research program. The constant exposure to the English language and the multicultural enviroment will offer you the opportunity to gain excellent skills for biomedical communication at the international level.

Course Flyer

Erasmus agreements

Erasmus mobility within the School of Medicine

  • France: “Sophia Antipolis de Nice”(Nizza); 
  • Germany: Marburg;  
  • Portugal: Lisbona; 
  • Spain: Valladolid, Tarragona, La Laguna (Tenerife); 
  • Greece (Patras);
  •  Poland (Wroclaw)
Key features
  • Up-to-date cultural, scientific and lab training with innovative methodologies and individualized mentoring
  • Choice between two didactical curricula reflecting your learning priorities
  • Internationalization in a friendly environment of students from many continents and diverse Italian universities
  • Numerous options for International Mobility Programs (Erasmus, Free Mover)
  • A plus when applying for International Phd Programs and job positions
  • Mastering of the scientific English language
Career and employment opportunities
  • Access to PhD and Post-doc positions in academic and research institutions
  • Medical biotechnologist in academic and research institutions
  • Biologist in the Health System and other medical and diagnostic facilities (after taking the license exam/”esame di stato”)
  • Researcher and employee in Biotech and Pharmaceutical companies
  • Data Manager and Study Coordinator in the field of clinical trials
  • Clinical Trial Assistant in CROs (Contract Research Organization)