Free software management (III ed.)

Course held by the Department of Economics and Business Studies at the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, with financing provided by the Piedmont Regional Authority.

The Specialisation Master’s programme in Free Software Management has been designed to help participants understand and assess opportunities offered by free software, acquiring skills to create and control the migration of IT systems from owned to free software, and participating in the community of open development or the development of his/her own project.

The programme consists of courses that introduce free software tools, allowing participants to understand organisational and economic issues regarding migration to free software, as well as the legal tools used to enable and conserve the free character of the software.

An interdisciplinary approach provides the necessary skills to respond to increasingly forceful demands for innovation by companies and public administration organisations.

This third edition of the course builds on the positive experience of previous editions (undeniably successful according to feedback from students, teachers and interested parties); it offers the right training to acquire the economic-organisational skills necessary to manage problems linked to change and migration to free software.

Regarding technology, the course will look at issues concerning methods of development, release and maintenance of ICT solutions (following the open source approach) and new regulations on the acquisition and re-use of software in synergy with Developers Italia and the community of developers of digital public services in Italy. Regarding legal aspects, the course is designed to offer the essential knowledge and skills to consciously act as “current and future agents of change”.

The courses of organisation and management, seminars with relevant operational content (such as: The migration procedure; Project Management, Communication and training in free software migration; Change Management, impact on situations and people; Software Supply Systems in public administration; Development models and maintenance of IT programmes in terms of re-use; the Cloud model in public administration for digital services) and excellent examples of migration experiences (LibreUmbria, Italian Ministry of Defence, etc) all represent the building blocks of this course.


To round off the training programme, participants can present a project to complete the I level Master’s diploma in “Management of Free Software”.

In some cases, participants may benefit from study permits (150 hours per year).

  • Cost
    • Participants are not required to pay for this course. The Master’s programme (and individual modules) are free of charge.
  • Submission of applications: 
    • Applications must be made by 13.11.2019, 12pm to the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale – Segreteria Studenti of the Department of Economics and Business Studies in Via Perrone 18, 28100 – Novara (NO), to be delivered by hand or sent by registered post (to arrive within the stated deadline) or by e-mail to: (more information is given in Art. 13 of the Selection Procedure notice).
  • Publication of applicant ranking/application results: 
    • The list of successful applicants will be published on 20.11.2019 (Art. 14 of the Selection Procedure notice).
  • Registration: 
    • Registration must take place by 27.11.2019, 12pm, according to the procedure outlined on  (Art. 15 of the Selection Procedure notice).
  • Course starts
    • Lessons start on 29.11.2019
    • PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINES/CALENDAR ABOVE HAVE BEEN MODIFIED/UPDATED pursuant to the decision of the Board of the Department of Economics and Business Studies on 24.10.2019
  • Location of lessons
    • The lessons will take place at a location to be agreed with the Regional Piedmont Authority, in the city of Turin.

For information regarding the curriculum or course content, please write to:

For information about administrative issues, please write to:




Subject area(s)

Social sciences, economics, law