Reporting illegal behaviour

Employees and collaborators can bring attention to illegal situations (corruption or other crimes against the public administration, tax evasion or other illegal administrative activity), which they may have discovered during their work.

It should be noted that the regulations protect any employees who report illegal activity. Specifically, the law and National Anti-corruption Plan state that:

  • the administration is obliged to respect privacy laws by concealing the identity of the person signalling the event
  • the identity of the person signalling the event must be protected at all costs following the report. In the event of a disciplinary hearing, the identity of the signaller cannot be revealed without his/her consent, unless this information is essential as part of the accused’s defence.
  • the report is not subject to right of access laid down in paragraphs 22 et seq of Law no. 241 of 7 August, 1990
  • Anyone who believes he/she has been discriminated against due to the charges made, may signal this fact (also via a trade union) to the Inspectorate of the Public Sector

As set out in para. 54b of Legislative Decree no.165/2001, the public sector employee may log the report via the Judicial Authority or the Court of Auditors, or via the website of the Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (A.N.A.C.)  

Also, the report may be made to the employee’s own supervisor or Anti-Corruption representative, via the attached form (see bottom of page).

The report – which will be registered in confidence– may be presented:

  1. via the dedicated email address:;    
  2. By post or internal communications post.