Evaluation Board


The Evaluation Board is the entity that checks the quality and efficiency of the curriculum, research activity and services provided by the University, also promoting systems of self-assessment.

Its duties and powers are laid down in para. 15 of the Statute

There are currently 5 members:

  • Lucrezia Songini (coordinator)
  • Vincenzo Ambriola
  • Emanuela Stefani
  • Tommaso Piazza
  • Filippo Margheritis (Student representative)


Offices to support the Evaluation Board:


Quality and Accreditation Division

-          Q&A Development and Institutional activities Staff

Head: Marina Merlo

-          Accreditation and Quality Assurance Department

Head: Paola Vottero Fin

Tel. +39 0131 283 756/705, fax +39 0131 264041

Email:  nucleo.valutazione@uniupo.it

Calendar of sessions 2023

Calendar of sessions 2024


We apologise, but the full documentation of the Evaluation Board is available in Italian only on its proper webpage.