Confidential Counsellor

The UPO Confidential Counsellor is lawyer Elena Bigotti.

She assists anyone in the university community that believes themselves to be a victim of bullying or sexual harassment by another member of the same community, regarding actions that take place in the study/work environment of the university.

Her role is to help resolve situations and she may notify the university management of any events of discomfort that may threaten a person’s psychosexual wellbeing or hinder them in carrying out their daily work/study. The Counsellor acts in total autonomy, guaranteeing maximum confidentiality.

She is available to help students, teaching and administrative staff, and anyone wishing to speak to her for information. She is available on a regular basis every fifteen days.T

She holds sessions at the San Giuseppe Hub in Vercelli or remotely, according to a calendar defined month by month.

November 2023

  • Monday 12th February

  • Monday 26th February

Her contact mail is: