Anti-violence and stalking - Useful numbers

1522 - Anti-violence and stalking



1522 is a public service promoted by the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The number is free of charge, active 24 hours a day and welcomes requests for help and support from victims of violence and stalking with specialized operators. For help or even just advice call 1522 or chat directly with an operator at or via app. 


Signal For help - A Universal Signal

Come fare il gesto di aiuto

How to make the gesture of help

A universal, simple, silent gesture to ask for help in situations of violence. Folded thumb of the hand, four fingers up and then closed into a fist: a signal that counts as an urgent call for help and that we all need to be able to recognize and replicate should the need arise.


Anti-violence centers near you

Alessandria Office
Me.Dea Onlus Contro La Violenza Alle Donne - Via Palermo, 33 - 800 098 981

Novara Office
Comune di Novara - Centro Antiviolenza Spazio Donna – Via della Riotta, 19/c – e-mail:
Sportello AIED - Punto di ascolto antiviolenza – Via Magnani Ricotti, 10 - Novara cell. 373 8224668 (segreteria attiva 24 ore su 24); e-mail:

Vercelli Office
Centro Antiviolenza di Vercelli - Via Fratelli Garrone, 12, tel. 334 311 3955